What Would Happen If You Changed Your Ego’s Name?

The Ego.  Egor.  The False Self.  The Lower Self.  Negative Me. 

There are so many names we give this part of ourselves that we call “Ego”.

This is the part of us that is experiencing our Human existence full-out.  She takes in the data of all of our experiences and emotions.  Categorizes them.  Matches things together.  Creates patterns with our experiences.  She then forms these patterns of data into opinions, thoughts, filters and beliefs.

Truth be told, she’s very good at what she does.  The only thing is, there are things that she doesn’t see.  Those are the things that her Higher Self–her Spirit Self–sees.  If She’s not communicating well with Her Spirit Self, she’s creating these opinions and beliefs on only half the information. 

Somewhere along the way, She stopped hearing and trusting her Spirit Self.  She felt all alone.  Separated. 

Now, when she has something to say, after analyzing the data she’s gathered, she has to say it loud.  Perhaps someone will hear.  Perhaps someone will care!

Unfortunately, because She yells so loud, and often sounds frightened and frightening, She’s been given a bad rap…a bad name.  Yes, She did create it for herself, but She just wanted to be heard.  Is that really so bad?

How would things change if She was given a beautiful name? Would She fight you so hard if She knew that She was loved and Heard?

When I fell in love with my Ego, my experience with her shifted. Yes, She still shares her fears and thoughts. She feels safe to shared them.  She doesn’t have to yell anymore because She knew she is being heard. She knows that my Spirit Self does have more information, and she’s learning to trust. All She asks for is to be allowed to speak and be heard.

(If your Ego is a He, give him a manly name…a debonair or dashing name.  He just wants to be heard too.)

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