Life Is Too Short

Earlier this week I had a routine check up with the doctor that turned out to be not so routine.

There’s something “not quite right” that needs to be checked out.  So I’m getting it checked out on Friday.  BUT I won’t hear the results until the new year.


First thing to set in?  Fear.  What if…

What if it’s something bad?  (And really…what if it’s not?)

I have to say this one gripped me for a bit, and I’m not entirely loose from it’s grip.


As with all Experiences that come across our path, there are no coincidences, so what’s the Gift?

What’s the Gift in this for me?

Life IS too short.

Life is too short to be sad and scared.

Life is too short to be so insanely busy you hardly have time to breathe.

It doesn’t matter if I live to be 102…Life IS too short to be wasting it on anything other than JOY!

Someone was sharing the other day that they were sad most of the time.  Nothing was truly bad in their life, but they woke up feeling sad most of the time.

Life is too short for that too!

It did bring me to an observation though.  When am I in a state of Peace?  What’s going on when I experience that?

Was it when I was being grateful for those things in my life?  That’s pretty good, but there have been times when what I had didn’t matter.  I AM grateful, and that IS a good feeling, but it didn’t necessarily bring me that Peace.

The one time I did reach that state of Peace was actually when I was experiencing Appreciation for myself.

The most recent instance of this was when I was noticing how I have recently been able to look at almost all of the people in my life and just feel love.  Just pure and honest love.

It didn’t matter that they did things differently than I do.  It didn’t matter that they pointed out I should be doing things like they do.  It didn’t matter that they were doing things the “hard way”.  None of it mattered.

All that mattered was that I loved them.  They’re exactly who and where they are supposed to be and I love them.

It was a truly amazing thing to be able to appreciate myself the way I usually appreciate others.

Life IS too short to feel anything other than Love…for others…and most of all for myself.




PS ~ Life IS too short, and if this can at all support you, I hope you take advantage of this.  I am offering until the end of the year my JOY Journal Program for just $11.  That’s $22 off the regular price.  This process turned my life around, and I would not have gotten to THIS place without my Journaling process.  Use the coupon code “LIFEISTOOSHORT” to get your $16 discount.  Buy the JOY Journal Program here.


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