Choices and Decisions, Wisdom and Faith, Mind and Spirit

Decisions, decisions. The road on the left is ...

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Choices and Decisions

We make our decisions based on the choices before us…the choices we THINK are available to us…the data we’ve allowed into the Thinking.

For a number months now I’ve been following Divine Guidance and doing web designing and other work around websites in order to take care of the financial aspect of my experience.  I fought this for probably a year before I finally settled into actually doing the work. 

I fought it because I thought it was in no way related to my Path…the Path as I interpreted it.  How was web work related to my radios show? How was web work related to public speaking, coaching, training, or any of this?  I couldn’t see the connection.  It was stupid and completely unrelated.

My income streams continue to shift until I finally threw up  my hands in the air in surrender to what was before me—the web work.  And this wasn’t a peaceful surrender.  I complained and moaned for quite some time.

Wisdom and Faith

I was playing with “Do I really have FAITH in what I believe my Divine Path is if I’m doing something completely unrelated?”

The truth is, it’s not as Cut and Dry as that.  If these action steps of web designing are right in front of me, flashing like a strobe light, why wouldn’t I take that particular action?

Why would I possibly think that Wisdom and Faith don’t walk hand in hand?

It’s wise to do something…anything…to pay the bills.  We live in this physical world, and we do need to take care of business.  There was something right in front of me to do that.

By taking that action I am not turning my back on  my Divine Path.  I’m actually keeping it alive and possible.  I certainly cannot follow my Divine Path as easily in a cardboard box!

What if I had the faith that no matter where I am, or what I am doing, I am on Path.  Divine is guiding me there always, even when it may not look like it.  My perspective can be limited, and I won’t always see how things connect.

Choices and Decisions

The New Year has begun, and I have found myself face to face with more choices and decisions.  I’m not happy with the perceived options again.  I’m not happy with the choices I made. Yes, I began complaining and moaning again.

The thing is, all this complaining doesn’t solve a thing, and honestly, I can’t complain about the decisions—I made them.  No one else did.

I can’t complain about the perceived choices. The choices were only limited by me, and how I looked at things.

Over the past two weeks, I was supposed to have a radio shows, but I didn’t follow up properly with the guests, and it got missed.  I’ve been angry with myself for the past couple of weeks.

I didn’t get this done because I HAD to do the web work I committed to with others.  That’s my excuse.  Everyone else was more important than me and my radio show.  I put them all there.  I couldn’t see any other way, so I just went ahead with the decision, and complained about it. 

The choice was still my responsibility.  No one else made it.  No one else listed the choices for me.

OK…I accept responsibility.  I saw my choices through limited eyes, and I made the decision.

All the while I was complaining abut the Decisions in front of me, and the Decisions I made, I was forgetting all about the most important thing.


Where was my Faith? 

Where was the trust in myself? Where was the trust in Divine Guidance? I didn’t even check in with Divine Guidance when I made these decisions.  I made them from my Limited Mind, setting myself up for some loud and whiny complaining.

Mind and Spirit

Our Mind and Spirit tend to work Separate from each other.  We grow dependent in the intellect to resolve so many things.

Many of discover our Spirit, and then look to it solely to resolve things, and then wonder why things don’t work out.  We were so sure!  “I just KNEW that my Divine Purpose was…”

The Truth is, our Minds and Spirits are Partners.  When they work together there is no stronger partnership.

The problem is, when we get locked into Mind, we don’t ask our Spirit for any help on things the Mind cannot see or does not understand.

And yet we cannot interpret and bring into this World what Spirit offers without our Mind.

Seems like a Catch-22, but it isn’t.

When our Mind trusts Spirit, the communication stream opens wide.  We begin to understand more and question less.

I have built more trust between my Mind and my Spirit. I have come a long way over these past 9 years of chosen growth. And yet, I still falter from time to time.  I still question the obvious steps in front of me because of how they look.  I still forget to ask my Spirit for more information when the choices before me seem limited.

Choices and Decisions

Right back to the beginning of Choices and Decisions, only this time I’m bring Spirit and Faith into the equation.

I’m asking more questions.

What would it take to have Welcome Changes Radio’s processes run more smoothly?

What would it take to grow Welcome Changes Radio into what I see and feel in my heart and soul?

What steps can I take right now to begin moving in that direction?

Who can I meet that can help me with this?

What resources may be available to me that I don’t see right now?

These are just a few of the questions I’ve put into my Joy Journal.  I’ve already received a couple of answers, including a better email system, and automating a couple of the processes.

I also stepped into creativity to allow my Spirit to take over a few things from my Mind—an active Meditation I suppose.  I had some help redesigning Welcome Changes Radio.  Go take a look!  I like the tweaks! (Would love to her your thoughts.)

Next week we’re back on track with Welcome Changes Radio.  There will be a show on Tuesday, with Deborah DeNicola.  I’ll have more info on that in a day or two.

Until then, what questions can you begin asking to open up the line of communication between your Mind and Spirit?

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

PS ~ I opened up a profile on  I’m Queen of JOY on there of course. I think this link will bring you there.  Go check it out! People are sharing random acts of kindness, generous acts and more. It’s a pretty amazing place! I met the couple that started it last night, and am hoping to bring them onto the show soon!

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About Velma Gallant

Velma Gallant, "The Queen of JOY!", is an Author, Speaker and Lazer Clarity Coach. Velma coaches Entrepreneurs to lazer in on what's vital to create joy and balance in their life and work. Velma can be reached at 1-800-992-2863 or by email at You can also subscribe to her weekly ezine at


Choices and Decisions, Wisdom and Faith, Mind and Spirit — 1 Comment

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