The More Fun You Have…The More Fun You Have!

I’ve noticed this a lot around the web, and within my own life.

It’s way too easy to get caught up in over-thinking projects.

“Am I doing it right?”

“Am I missing something?”

“What’s the right way?”

The problem with this is it takes ALL the FUN out of it!

When did we stop having fun?  Honestly, the minute we really started thinking.

When we were kids, it was all about the fun.  When we “grew up”, we left our hearts and promptly began living from our heads.

I truly wonder what would happen if we went back to the fun?

Would we start living more Authentically?

Would our stress levels drop?

Would our relationships improve (with ourselves and others)?

Would our health improve?

YES on all levels!

The minute I stopped Working and started Plurking (play+work=plurk) all of the above happened.

Do I still catch myself heading up on into the brain?  Yup!

How do I cure that?

If I can’t find a way to have fun in my project, I put it down for a sec and head on out to do something fun.

Sometimes it’s playing on Twitter.  Sometimes it’s calling a friend.  Sometimes it’s watching a funny movie.

When the going gets tough…Go Play!

Play play play…it’s all a game anyway.

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!


The More Fun You Have…The More Fun You Have! — 5 Comments

  1. hi velma,

    great post. but the problem is still there. in the childhood we are playing all day because the results is not important for us. when we are child than we are under supervision and guidance of our parents. they are worry about us that we are doing wrong or right. but we childern only playing and do the activities which give us the pleasure.

    when we are growing up than we come to know that we are responsible for our results. so we start to act smartly to achieve our results. to act smartly we have to force ourselves to do what is require not what bring the fun to us.

    what you are writing is that avoiding the hard work for some time. and when you are in good mood than come back and start doing the work you do not like. i just wanted to ask a question that how can we live our daily life with this playing mode all day.

    can you bring some light on this phase. how can we play in our daily life when the results are most important for us.


    sanjay sharma, india

  2. Hi Sanjay!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    For me, play is a result too, and also part of my responsibility to myself.

    I include play in my work. I still move towards my desired results, but I make sure I have some kind of fun along the way. This is why I “plurk” instead of “work”. Play+Work=Plurk.

    When we allow our creativity and imagination into what we do, there can be many ways to include some play.

    It can be as simple as playing music that gets your body moving while you’re cleaning the house. Sometimes adding a celebration after a project is achieved inspires me to complete my job more quickly. Making a game of cleaning by doing “time trials”, in other words trying to beat my own time at getting something done. Changing computer reminders from the usual ring to a Laugh Track.

    The idea is to let your imagination go! Redefine play. It is not about being irresponsible. It’s just about having FUN, and that can be added to just about everything!

    Dream BIG!


  3. thanks Velma,

    great thoughts. i never see the situations through this perespective. i got your point. add some fun with the activities i am doing right now and than we are going to have fun while completing our works. it does not matter that how hard is that step.

    great thought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i will let you know that how i implement this step in my daily life.


    sanjay sharma, india

  4. Hi Velma,

    it is great learning experience for me and also very tiring. because it is my nature to take the things seriously in life. i am just started to open to the fun side of my life. i am looking happiness in big achievements and success in life. every day is a fight for me. and i have to win that fight. now after reading your articles and talking to some of my internet friend i realized that this is not a good way of living. (if you ever remember that we have talk to each other in the forum of because many years has been passed now. so i guess may be you do not remember that conversation.) so i know that now i am going to shift my daily life from fight to having fun while achieving the results.

    now this has happening to me. if i am going to finish my one particular work which require 2 hour than now it require 2-1/2 hour. the extra 30 minute require for finding the fun side of the work. because every time i start my work with fun i have to first think seriously that how can i have the genuine fun in this work. some times it work and some times it did not work. but i really like it. and i wanted to say thank you for bringing this perspective in my life. my life right now is not full of fun but instead of fighting now i am looking for having fun. and i know that why this hard work require because now i am inventing and awaring about my true nature and the ways so that i can have fun in the journey in my life. and because it is all new for me so i have to think deeply that how can i have fun.

    may be i cannot express my true feeling in words. but i can express my warm gratitude to you and say to you

    thank you.

    sanjay sharma, india

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