Crash and Burn!

AVONDALE, AZ - NOVEMBER 15:  Jimmie Johnson, d...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife


But only a little one.  I’ve seen this coming…sort of.

A couple of weeks ago I interviewed Joan Borysenko regarding her book, Fried.  We had an excellent conversation regarding Burnout.  As I prepared for the show by reading her book, I noticed signs of me heading down that nasty road again.  I’m taking note.

This last Tuesday I interviewed Gillian Holloway.  She’s a Dream Analysis Expert.  And, as Divine would have it, I had an interesting dream days before the show.  I was peddling a semi-tractor…you know…Fred Flinstone-ing it.  I am powering almost everything in my life with my own energy.  I take note of that too.

There are things going on in my life that I need to change.  Not sure how yet, but I do know they need to change.

Well, warning number 3 came on Thursday.  I came home from my workout to turn on my computer, and it wouldn’t turn on.  No power at all.  A moment of panic sets in.  I get a good cry in.  That’s my LIFE on that thing!  I can’t afford to be down!  I don’t have the time for this!

Then I laugh.  I see the connection with the other signs over the past few weeks.  And guess what?  It was the Power Supply on the computer that was pooched!  Surprise surprise!

So I play some with my dog, and I putter in my office on some of the things I had been putting off.  All in all it’s a good day.  Later that day I go out and get a new computer.  My hard drive was still good, so I’ve been transferring over files, loading up programs, and basically getting myself back up and running.

It’s been a lot of work, but that’s OK.  It is what it is.

With that being said, and with all the Burnout warnings, I’m not going to work harder to get this done so I can do the work I’d normally be doing.  I’m not going to skip workouts.  I’m not going to skip time with my family this weekend.  I’m not going to power my way through this.

What does this mean?  My video that I normally put up at Youtube for last week’s show…it’s going to be late.  The show that was scheduled for this next Tuesday?  It’s being rescheduled.

I’m rolling with it.  Crash, Burn and Roll.

Don’t wait until you’re IN Burnout to make changes.  If you’re getting the signs now, do something about it.  That something may be as simple as meditating on what changes would be of value.  It also may be as simply as asking that same question in your Journal.  Don’t expect an immediate answer, but do be open to it showing up in the most unexpected moment.

Rolling along!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

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