It was so freaking awesome!

Velma-Mike-Dooley-July-2010 A couple of weekends ago I was helping Mike Dooley out with his World Tour III event in Calgary.  I’ve helped him out with all three World Tours actually.  I think he’s just the coolest guy, and I do consider him a mentor, a colleague, and most of all a friend.

He was one of my nudges along my path.  We were chatting on the phone, and he said to me, “Velma, why are you still learning?  You should be teaching.”  Set me back on my butt for a moment actually.  I had been locked into Paralysis by Analysis.  I was learning because I figured I hadn’t learned enough yet.  The truth is, I understood more than some.  I will always be in a state of learning, but I have grown enough I was able to support and teach others.  I stepped out of my comfort zone and launched my first teleclass. 

Inside I was squirming like crazy, but I did it!  Now I conduct weekly interviews on Welcome Changes Radio, and have set my sights on some other fun projects and ideas.  I haven’t looked back.

Anyway, back to the “freaking awesome” experience.  I make a point of listing my gratitudes daily, whether on paper, or verbally.  I know where I put my attention, the energy flows, so I make a conscious point of it.

Well I’m going to share one of my Gratitudes here with you.

I went to the Social the night before the actual event.  When I arrived, many of the guests were already there.  I’m not sure why, but there was a gentleman who opened up the 2nd door to the room, rather than having me walk through the open door.  Cool.  I end up walking in at the front of the room where Mike is sitting.  He stops mid-sentence to give me a great big hug before he continues.  Double cool.

Eventually everyone arrives, and we are to go around the room to introduce ourselves.  The ladies sitting next to Mike ask to speak after everyone else as they had just arrived, so I was first.  Before I could open up my mouth to share who I was, Mike introduces me to the group.  The Man of the Hour was introducing me to this small group of people who wanted some one-on-one discussion time with him.  Triple cool! 

Would you believe it actually gets better?

I ended up taking care of the Registration Table, and got to see everyone coming in.  Some familiar faces.  Some new.  Listened to his talk, and got lots of juicy bites from it, including going more General with some of my visions.  Good reminder.  I have a vision of me speaking, and rather than enjoying the vision I’ve been trying to hear what the heck I’m saying.  Talk about getting locked into the “How’s”!

Anyway, at the end of the event I stood up to comment on how amazingly the World Tour has evolved from the first one to now.  It really was an excellent talk. And to ask a question about a project I’ve been rolling around in my brain.  (I needed a reminder to step back from over-thinking it.)  Anyway, Anyway, before I could get my questions out, he stops me and introduces me to the whole room!  Quadruple Cool! 

It was so freaking awesome!  Nothing is cooler than the Speaker introducing YOU to the people who came to see HIM!

Anyway, I just had to share my celebration with you.  It’s been two weeks, and I’m still basking in the excitement of the experience.

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

PS ~ Where are you “thinking” instead of “moving”?

PPS ~ Don’t forget to come to tomorrow’s Welcome Changes Radio show!


It was so freaking awesome! — 13 Comments

  1. Velma, congrats!

    I adore Mike Dooley! I am very impressed you have such a great relationship with him. And, he is right! It is time for you to teach!

    Best to you my friend!


  2. Velma~

    What a great story, Velma. Congrats on being recognized as the amazing teacher you truly are. Mike Dooley clearly knows a good vibration when he feels one.



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  4. Hi Velma,
    That is a TRIPLE COOL story. I absolutely love how you’re sharing about getting out of the head and back into inspired action. Sounds like you’ve got some very cool projects getting ready to ‘pop’ into existence.

    Your service and your passion are ready to take form. I can’t wait to hear more about your evolution. Many blessings, Nanette

  5. Velma, always happy to see a neighbour doing well. Even better when they are doing excellent. Congratulations. Looking forward to you achieving the next level in your quest.


  6. CONGRULATIONS on getting an introduction from THE UNIVERSE itself…lol…seriously, anyone who knows Mike knows it is deserving.

    Keep up the great work.

    I too look forward to getting to know you better.

    Love *n Lightning


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