Back Surgery Anyone?

Saw this picture on Facebook, and I had to grab it!

I’ve learned more about Law of Attraction and life by things not working out the way I had them planned.  Case in point releasing my business and going back to the corporate world.  That was NOT as I had planned it.


I have always believed there was a part of me that knew what was going on, even when “I” didn’t.


What was going on?  Why weren’t things working out the way I planned?

I remember being much younger and my Mom laughing at all my plans.  I learned later that they were better described as Intentions I was flexible on.

My business wasn’t one of those plans I was calling “Intentions I was Flexible On”.  It was something I was hard nosed about.  It had to be this way, and it had to be this way by this date.

Guess how I was feeeeeling when I was being a hard nose?  I was not vibrating high if you want to use LOA terms.

I was in fear a good lot of the time!

It got to the point that I had to make a decision, and it was a tough one.  That’s why this picture made so much sense to me when I saw it today.

I had to get some backbone to make the decision I made.

I had to make a decision that was contrary to what I  thought I wanted.

I had to call into question what I thought I wanted and look deeply into what I TRULY wanted.


I had to ask myself some really tough questions and be 100% honest with myself.

Is this business (as it is right now) making me happy? – No.

Is this business achieving what I need it to achieve? – No.

What is truly important to me? – My family.

(Family is my HIGHEST Value.  It rises above all else.)

Is this business serving my family? – No.

What do I need to serve my family better? – Income and time.

What would give me these things in a way that I can achieve fairly quickly? – Win the lottery.  Get a job.

Clearly getting a job was more within my personal power, so I went after that one.

There was one tool I was still using during this time, and that was my Joy Journal.  It’s the one tried and true tool I’ve used over the past 7-8 years.  It’s not something I use every day, but it is something I use in one form or another when things aren’t going my way.  It’s easy.  It can take as few is 2 minutes, but more often than not it takes 5 minutes.  Manageable, especially when you’re stressed.

Are you willing to wear your backbone proudly, even when things aren’t going the way you expected or wished they would?

What are the tough questions you need to be asking yourself?  Are you willing to tell yourself the truth?

It’s this kind of back surgery that helps you to stop looking back, and begin walking forward proudly.



About Velma Gallant

Velma Gallant, "The Queen of JOY!", is an Author, Speaker and Lazer Clarity Coach. Velma coaches Entrepreneurs to lazer in on what's vital to create joy and balance in their life and work. Velma can be reached at 1-800-992-2863 or by email at You can also subscribe to her weekly ezine at

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