Rules or Tools?

The world is filled with Rules.  Some have value. Some don’t.

The laws we abide by are meant to keep the community safe.  Those Rules do have their place.

The Rules I want to talk about are those self-imposed ones.  These ones often transform into Limitations.

Lets take Tools for example.  Tools come into play to support us to achieve things more easily.

I have a wonderfully full toolkit!  It contains things like my Journal, meditation, exercise, and diet.  I’ve learned various healing modalities.  I’ve read numerous books.  I’ve attended workshops, training programs, and much more!

Tools are fantastic!  They can and often do allow us to achieve things more easily!

And, sometimes, they shift from being a Tool into a Rule.

When this happens, the tool no longer supports.  It becomes a limitation.

Let me give you an example.

When a Hammer becomes a rule, you use it when a Screwdriver may work better.  Or, you always use a Hammer, but don’t have one today.  You can’t fix it.  You don’t have your Hammer.  Or, you have a delicate task, but you’ve always used THIS Hammer, so you use it anyway, and it doesn’t work.

I love my journal, but sometimes, it just doesn’t fit.  Could be any number of reasons.  I’ve left it at home.  I’m driving.  I hurt my hand.

I love meditating.  I do have a favourite meditation, but what if the active meditation of walking or knitting is more appropriate for today?  Do I go to my favourite meditation because it’s always what I do, or do I move naturally into the active meditation?

A full toolbox is a good thing.  The question is, which part of you pulls the tools out day to day? 

The Mind is brilliant at gathering data, and categorizing things.  It can effortlessly pull up this information when needed (and even when not needed).  If it needs a tool at any point, it will search the data banks for information.  If it doesn’t have a specific tool come up, it will grab the one that has been used the most.  Simple.  Logical.  Tools become Rules.

The Spirit is brilliant at seeing / feeling / knowing / sensing the Big Picture.  The data doesn’t always match what the Spirit knows.  When it reaches into the tool box, it uses it’s knowing, it’s intuition, to pick the appropriate tool.  There is not always a logical, linear reason.  The Tool remains a Tool.

Which part of you has domain over your toolbox?  Your Mind or Spirit?

Have your Tools become Rules?

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