Growth Underground

494350_46294989 My husband and I have given up one form of connection to bring in another way for us to be connecting.

We used to go for coffee in the morning before separating off to our businesses.  This has been an important part of keeping our marriage alive.  We’re coming up on 11 years of marriage.  We found that the conversations we would have at coffee, though usually not on important topics, did keep the lines of communication open.  We have been able to tackle the more important topics thanks to these morning coffees.

We have been both feeling a need to bring the body into balance, so have chosen to give up the morning coffees for a morning workout together.  We’ve been going to the gym together for 6 weeks now.

The gym offered a free analysis with their trainer, so we took him up on it.  My numbers were where I expected…not that great.  Didn’t like what I saw on the scale.  Didn’t like the fat analysis.  Did like that my abs are still strong, so I did have one thing to celebrate.

I haven’t stepped on a scale in probably 3 years.  Found it was something to beat myself up about, so I stopped.  My weight has fluctuated up and down since choosing to not “scale it”, though the fluctuations were not big. 

There’s more to my body balance I’ve been playing with nutritionally, but I”m not getting into that one right now.

I want to talk about the Growth that happens when we don’t see it.

Since stepping on that scale 6 weeks ago, I have stepped on the scale at least two to three times per week, and frustrated myself.  I hadn’t lost a pound, and some days I weighed in two pounds heavier.  UGH!

My husband was giving me crap for stepping on the scale so much.  Said it was how my clothes fit that matter.  He’s right, but I wasn’t feeling like my jeans were any less tight, so I was annoyed with my progress.

I already eat healthy, so it’s the exercise that I was needing to amp it up. 

Finally, after 6 weeks of frustration each time I stepped on the scale I asked the trainer if I could test my fat content.  I wanted to see SOME kind of results.

It was there.  I had dropped 2.5% in my body fat levels.  FINALLY!  Some visible results!

All my growth had been happening “underground”.  The scale was actually showing me that I had gained muscle, but I didn’t see it that way.  I couldn’t see what was going on under my skin.

When it comes to personal growth and expansion, a lot of our growth happens underground too.  We don’t always see the immediate results of the work we are putting in.

The challenge is to hold fast to the path despite not seeing the visual results.  Whether you are making changes physically with workouts, nutritionally with diet (you can’t see when your intestinal track is all shiny and happy), mentally or spiritually, a lot of our growth happens underground.

Bring in a team to support you during these times.  Sometimes they see things you don’t.  Sometimes they feel things you don’t.  We judge ourselves so harshly at times that having a team in place can support you to balance this.

Team members can include your partner, friends, family, a trainer or a coach.  Find someone who you know is on your side.  Enlist them to be your eyes, nose, ears, analysts, and cheerleaders.

They’ll be able to help you notice the Growth that goes on Underground.

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

PS ~ For the month of June only, all new clients will be able to register for private coaching at the 2008 coaching rate of $200 per hour.  Register for your consultation today.  We’ll design a program just for you.


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