Think Yourself Happy?

The other day I saw this video on Facebook.  A friend was sharing what she found from a friend.  I loved what they shared so much I’m sharing it with you.  I love the idea of sharing Happiness, or at least sharing HOW to be happier!

(Link to Video)

I always knew, some how, that my attitude mattered in how happy I am, and after watching this video, I believe I contain the happiness gene.  I suppose this gives me a bit of an advantage, and explains so much in my life.

I had always wondered how I could survive some of the things I survived, like being abused as a teen, homeless at 17, financial upsets and more, and still come out in the end generally happy. Sure I wasn’t smiling all the time when things were happening, and there were times when I felt lost and could not see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I always seemed to pick myself up, change where I looked, and headed on up to happy before long.

In the video Sonja Lyubomirsky said that 40% of our happiness comes from the activities we choose.  Makes sense.  Are you choosing at least ONE activity each day that you enjoy?  It could be as simple as reading a book, watching a favourite show, calling a loved one, or going for a walk with the dog.

They also shared on the video that taking 30 minutes to “think happy thoughts” like being grateful, produces significant results.  I agree!  Kick-starting your day with a 5 minute JOY Journal is a great daily practice in this direction.  You could also just list 5 gratitudes in your mind each morning before you get out of bed, and again before you go to bed.  You could watch videos of laughing children or funny pet videos. 

You don’t really need to do that 30 minutes all in one shot.  You could give yourself six 5-minute shots a day too.

Nutrition affects your brain too.  Are you getting enough Vitamin B?  Is your brain getting enough of the good carbs?  I”m talking veggies, not bagels.  How do you expect your brain to function properly when you don’t give it what it needs?

Balanced nutrition, hormone levels and fitness can all boost your thinking power.  What’s one thing you can do each day to bring more balance in these areas?

I truly believe that Thinking Yourself Happy doesn’t need to be hard.  Take baby steps each day, and you’ll notice a difference right away.  You really can afford 5 minutes a day towards your happiness.

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!
Founder and Host of Welcome Changes Radio

PS ~ I’m thinking that Sonja Lyubomirsky would be a great interview for Welcome Changes Radio.  What do you think?

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