Velma Gallant Exposed!

Yesterday I shared on my newsletter that I was going for it and making a commitment.  This commitment is more in the form of a Declaration. 

I’m exposing it all!  Well…you’ll see.  Just keep reading.

I’ve set a 90 day challenge for myself, and I’ll be putting my progress…my ups and downs…all on here for everyone to see.

Laying the Foundation

Let me share a bit about where I am at right now before I get to the goal, and the Expose.

I’m an almost 42 year old Mom of an almost 7 year old boy.  I’ve been a vegetarian for 19 months now.  I weight lift 3-4 times per week, though not consistently.  I drink 8-9 glasses of water with reasonable consistency.  I don’t eat much fast food.  Maybe one veggie burger at A&W every six months.  I treat myself to a Dairy Queen cone maybe twice a month.  We eat at restaurants probably 4 times per month.  I rarely eat desert at the restaurant.

I have about 3-4 cups of coffee per day Monday-Friday.  I have 1 can of pop about every two months or so.  I drink socially perhaps once every 3-4 months.

Over the period of time from September 2006 (when I switched to vegetarian eating) to about September 2007 I stopped stepping on the scale, and went from a size 14 down to a size 11.  I was pretty darn proud of myself.  I did moderate exercise, ate well, and visualized regularly.

Since September 2007, I’m still wearing size 11, so I have been able to maintain what I achieved quite effortlessly.

I use Quadplex protein in my morning smoothie, along with LiFibre.  I’ll share the recipe in another post.

I was taking Bioslife Complete too.  My Dad died of a heart attack at the age of 56, and there is a history of strokes and diabetes in my family as well.  Heart health is important to me.

I believe the changes I made also contributed to the fact that I rarely get sick anymore, and when I do happen to catch a cold, it only last for a couple of days.  (I kick it in the butt with natural remedies.  😀 )

The thing is, while I love my body and take good care of it, I’d absolutely love to fit into size 8 again.  That’s the reason for this Expose.

The Goal

To fit into size 8 clothing again!

I intend to drop from a size 11 to a size 8 in 90 days through increased activity, conscious eating and nutritional supplementation.

The Expose

My measurements totalled 165.5 inches.  This included my Neck, Chest, Arm, Waist, Hips, Thigh.  I wasn’t sure if I should be measuring both arms and thighs and including them in the inches, so I just measured my right arm and thigh.  I’ll use the same arm and thigh all the way through as I measure my progress.

(Yeah…I’ve been delaying sharing the pictures.  LOL)

UGH!  Here we go!

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These pictures were taken the evening of May 20th.  My hubby took them and I groaned.  (That mark on my leg is my dolphin and tropical island tattoo.  🙂 )

In order to map your way towards your goals, you need to know where you are at.  This is where I am at.

The Vision

After you look at where you are at, you need to know where you are going.  This allows you to map your way between the two points.

“EEEEEE! They fit!”  The zipper came up and the button closed, and I didn’t have to hold my breath or anything!

I just put on the “skinny jeans” I’ve been hanging onto since before I got married knowing that one day I’d fit into them again.  I don’t care that they are out of fashion already!  I can fit in them again!

(Turning around so I can look at my backside in the mirror.)

Oh yeah!  Too bad they are not in fashion any more!  LOL!

That’s okay.  It’s a great excuse to go SHOPPING!  I am going to have so much fun trying on clothes!  I’m going to have to bring one of my girlfriends with me.  I’m not going to torture myself and the boys and make them come along for this adventure.  LOL  They’ll be happier with a little fashion show when I get back anyway.

The Plan

I’m already working out 3-4 times per week, so to amp it up just a bit I’ll be weight lifting 4 times per week consistently.  2 days on upper body and 2 days on lower body.

I’ll also be including 20 minutes of walking 3 times per week using my active meditation.

I’m continuing with the morning shakes (recipe to posted separately), and the quality food.  I still eat seafood, some dairy and eggs.  I’m making sure I get protein with each meal.

The nutritional supplementation is the Quadplex protein and LiFibre in my shakes.  I’m also changing from Bioslife Complete to Bioslife Slim.  Bioslife Slim re-balances the Leptin Hormone, which regulates our hungry and full receptors.  I’m basically re-teaching my body how to turn fat.  It will also make sure I get the proper Vitamin B’s that some vegetarians are short on as well.

The Support

I have a few support mechanisms in place.  I’ve started a journal.  I’ll be keeping track of my exercise, nutrition, and the mental/spiritual aspects as well.

I’m also inviting YOU to come play with me!  If you’re ready, like me, to claim your Ideal Body, I’ll spend 30 minutes with you on goal setting and outlining your action plan of activity, nutrition and supplementation.  You’ll have access to a private journal to record your progress.  No, you don’t have to post your pictures online like I did (unless you want to).  You’ll also get my new Active Meditation now, before it’s official release, and you’ll be able to help me name it too!

All YOU have to do is send me an email at Velma AT welcomechanges DOT com with “EXPOSE” in the subject line.  Include your daytime phone number, a short bit about yourself and your goal.

Let’s succeed together!

Dream BIG!

Velma Gallant
The Queen of JOY!

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